Thursday, February 3, 2011

Both Builds Successful!!

Well there are several promising successes since my last update; the first being that Sugar Labs has been successfully built.  We stayed after class as a team and worked on getting the code installed on our far we have 2 of our 4 boxes running Sugar Labs, and we are confident that we can replicate it on our other two boxes.  I must say that I really like using the virtual allows me to keep my windows environment up (instead of having to reboot several times each day to sync my phone to outlook--wonderful!) while still doing what I have to do in a different OS.  This wasn't the reason for using it, but (other than having to waste so much time setting ubuntu back up after its crash) it has been a worthwile endevor.  Just for fun I installed Debian virtually as well--had some password issues that Clay helped me overcome--although I still haven't been able to spend enough time to get Sugar Labs on it too (there are some hated dependency problems there too) but maybe over the weekend I'll get some time to tinker with it--just to have a backup in case ubuntu decides to crap out again.

Anyway, I started working through the Freeciv problem from our book and like the concept.  I always learn better doing things--especially with a model to follow or when there is help close by when I get overwhelmingly stuck.  So, I start following the directions and quickly realize that there are subtle differences in commands from linux to ubuntu; for example, in the early steps I was instructed use yum install....but in ubuntu (at the root) we use sudo apt-get install (or without the sudo if not something to be installed at the root).  I also noticed that some of the dependencies had names that were different in Ubuntu as well.  Overall I only got stuck once and after some much needed sleep I was able to overcome that road block as well.  Did kinda feel a little deflated afterwards when there weren't enough "human" players to see what happens.  I also gained a little more appreciation of windows in this too...I realize they install lots of things you don't always need, but chasing down all those dependencies can be time consuming and mentally taxing (but to each his/her own).

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