Our group is finally recovering and getting back on track only a week after our Freeciv disaster. This tragedy came just as we were starting to catch up (after switching projects) and were in the process of taking aim at bugs. Now, while there is still one issue with Ubuntu yet to be resolved it seems that our team is again on solid ground—or at least we have a firm foothold of where we’re supposed to be. At our last meeting, Stephanie brought up a potential bug that she had noticed (that was not listed in the bug tracker) and everyone agreed that it appeared to be a valid avenue to pursue. None of us have been able to find this bug in any of the already listed bugs in Sugar Lab’s bug tracker—so not only do we have a bug that we can tackle, but it is one that hasn’t been reported before. Now with our boxes finally somewhat stable, our source code built, and a solid direction to turn our attention towards, it appears that we’re ready to move ahead.
There is only one sad realization that I have had to accept this week. I like using the virtual box for operating systems that I really don't want on my machine, and I was looking forward to figuring out the full screen add-on. Since my group and I have been so busy putting out fires with our project I just couldn't justify investing the time in figuring out how to make my virtual box run in full screen. Once I had ubuntu re-installed on my virtual box (for the umpteenth time it seems) and Sugar Labs built & running, I made a snapshot and began my attempt at installing the software required. With very little effort I was pleased at the results of seeing my virtual box fill the screen--like it did when I had the dual boot system. Then came what I was afraid of....when I ran the command to open up Sugar Labs, their emulator failed to open. After looking it up and trying some suggestions I began to realize that it just wasn't worth the effort. Evidently the Sugar Lab's emulator has a problem with the stretching that the Virtual Box does to make everything run full screen. So, thankfully I reverted to my snapshot and everything runs as before (learned my lesson from Freeciv). I also found a trick that does help when I run Sugar Labs in my box. When I run the Sugar Lab's command, I can add dimensions for it to run in. This allows me to force it to run in a smaller window than my box--allowing me to see what Sugar Labs was showing but my screen setting wouldn’t allow me to see.
So now we’ll settle down and tackle this bug and hopefully have a pleasant experience (especially after such a rocky start).
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